Friday, March 11

Something Good Can Work

My march test just finished last week. Everything went well, except that I did not buck up that much, haih. However, I scored an A for mod maths, Alhamdulillah. I want an A+ for my mid year test ! Amin. Lately I've been thinking a lot about my future. No I mean everyone does but I put things that dont matter aside. I am barely breathing and things just keep bothering me. People come, people go. Sometimes it hurts so badly. But usually my loved ones will leave me .. yeah, devastating, depressing. I may sound like a pathetic kid but hey Im just saying, to let things out .. I've learned that I can't please everyone. Neither you all, readers. I'm a human and who can keep smiling when its heart is torn into pieces ? :)

On the brighter note, Im just seventeen and life is too short to be unhappy :D hehehe it might be stormy now, but it can't rain forever .. ahah I wish nothing but the best for them ♥. Hmm school holidays just started. Yet I already miss my crack classmates tskk. Not going anywhere besides tuition and trainings and outings. Leading a healthy life ~ lol haha I don't know why but I cared too much about people who does not really care about me. Gah. Some says I should start thinking about myself, unless I dont want myself to be happy. Ok enough with the rantings, Im gonna hit the sack, have a lovely weekend, goodnight world x

Oh wait wait, lets pray for Japan everyone ! Disasters everywhere. Im so apprehensive. Sinking, drowning, haih so melancholy :'( it happened just like in the movie of 2012. Ok what I mean is, everything happened just in a blink of an eye. Subhanallah. Ya Allah, guide us every single day ♥ T.S.U.N.A.M.I = Tuhan Sudah Uji Namun Ada Manusia Ingkar / Tuhan Suruh Umat Nabi Muhammad Insaf. I feel like the end of the world. Keep on praying the best to Allah lovelies !

Surah Naas : Protects from evil thoughts .